Monday, November 11, 2013
Life Group Launch
Life groups and their leaders will be available in the courtyard after each service to meet you, answer questions and connect you into a life group. If you are not in a life group, set this weekend aside to get connected.
Life Group 8 week session: January 13th thru March 7th
Thursday, August 22, 2013
Converge: A Leadership Gathering Audio Recordings
- Main Session - Josh Hall
- Avoiding Burnout - Mark Calcagno
- Coaching Panel - Josh Hall, Jeff Ribera, Heather Muncy, Glen Drummond
- Dealing with DifficultGroup Dynamics - Becky Fitch
- New Leader Boot Camp - Josh Hall & Glen Drummond
- Replicating Leadership & Launching New Groups - Adrian Tsingaris & Tom Truman
- Spiritual Formation in groups - Adrian Tsingaris
Monday, July 15, 2013
Fall Church-Wide DVD Study
Pastor Steve will be teaching us on The Lord's Prayer.
This 8 week DVD study will help you to take this well-know prayer and apply it to your life here on earth.
The study runs from the week of September 16th through the week of November 8th.
Get connected into a Life Group and join us in our church-wide study. Click here to join a group.
Tuesday, May 28, 2013
Converge:Leadership Gathering, August 17th

CONVERGE (verb): To come together to reach the same point coming from different directions: to orient and direct toward a common interest, goal, or vision.
Join us for Converge on Saturday, August 17th from 9am-12:30pm in the Event Center.
This Leadership Gathering is for existing life group leaders and those interested in leading a new LG.
Includes breakfast, relevant main training session, break-out training sessions and distribution of the Fall church-wide DVD study.
We ask that all current Life Group Leaders attend
Register Online Here
Schedule & Topics:
· Reaching Out-Billy Reider
· Dealing with Difficult Group Dynamics-Becky Fitch
· Coaching Panel-Josh Hall, Glen Drummond, Heather Muncy & Jeff Ribera
· Replicating Leadership & Launching New Groups-Adrian Tsingaris & Tom Truman
· Avoiding Burnout-Mark Calcagno
· Each campus will have its own Women, Men, Married/Couples, Singles, Mixed/Co-ed, JH, HS, C3 breakout to go over specific ministry training.
Tuesday, May 7, 2013
Church-Wide Life Group Launch/ 8 wk study
September 16th thru November 8th: Life Group 8 week session: "Let Go: A Fresh Look At The Lord's Prayer"
Wednesday, February 20, 2013
Life Group leaders and members, join us for this time of being transformed as we become more like Jesus.
Wednesday evenings: March 13-April 3, 7-8:30pm
Register early to guarantee space and childcare offered.
To register go online at or click here.
Monday, December 3, 2012
Life Group Launch, Livermore Campus
What is a Life Group?
A Life Group is a small group of people who meet together regularly for Connection, Community, and Spiritual Growth.Life Groups are where a large church like Cornerstone becomes small.
They are also where lasting friendships and life change happens. If you're not involved in a Life Group, you're missing out on one of the best avenues for spiritual growth and connection to community.Visit our online Life Group Finder to find a Life Group today. On the Life Group Finder you'll find Life Groups throughout the East Bay including Livermore, Tracy, Mountain House, Pleasanton, Dublin, San Leandro, Castro Valley, San Ramon, Danville, Walnut Creek, Brentwood, Antioch, Discovery Bay, Oakley and more.
Click here to find a group.
Friday, October 12, 2012
Friday, July 6, 2012
Friday, February 17, 2012
Tuesday, February 14, 2012
Thursday, February 9, 2012
Wednesday, February 1, 2012
Questions about Classes@Cornerstone & Life Groups?
For answers to some Frequently Asked Questions you or your Life Group may have click here.
Classes@Cornerstone Class Descriptions
Starting Point Brenda Dimataris
This class is for those exploring Christ, who have recently committed to Christ, or who have questions about some of the essential truths of faith and following Jesus. This class covers the fundamentals of what God communicates to us in the Bible and provide significant time for discussion and Q & A. Register here.
Spiritual Practices: Prayer 1 Chuck McCallum, BethAnn Moitoso
This class equips participants to engage in prayer and explores different ways we see prayer demonstrated and explained in scripture and how prayer helps us to grow. Register here.
Transformation: Becoming Like Jesus Adrian Tsingaris, Steve Ingold
How do I grow? This class explores how we develop spiritually. Gain an understanding of Gods desire for us to be transformed into who He intended us to be. Learn about the process that God uses to make us more like Jesus. Register here.
Transformation: Identity in Christ Josh Hall, Jayme Foulk
Come develop a healthy understanding of who God says we are in the Bible, and what it means to find our identity in Christ. Learn how much of our unhealthy appetites and sin come from an unhealthy view of our identity, and learn practical steps that will help us to abide in Christ. Register here.
Living the Teachings of Christ: Parables Rob Dalrymple, Andy Madsen
This class will explore how to live out the teachings of Christ and how Jesus instructs us to obey them. Learn how Jesus taught with parables and how we can read them, understand them, obey them, and be changed by them. We will examine Christ’s directions and make practical plans to help us obey and be empowered by Christ. Register here.
Loving & Serving: Loving God & Serving Others Josh Jonas, Mel Doppler
This class will develop our understanding of how to be regularly involved in loving God and serving others. We begin with the love and care God gives us and how they affect our service, love, and leadership of others. We’ll also develop a plan for how we each will take increased steps in these areas. Register here.
Loving & Serving: Discovering Your Gifts & Strengths Eric Larson, Dave Mosby
This class provides teaching on Spiritual Gifts and abilities, and learn how the scripture directs us to make use of them. We’ll take an assessment to help reveal our specific gifts and strengths, and learn how to use them to worship God and serve Him with who we are. Register here.
Marriage & Family: Healthy Parenting Mark Calcagno, Lisa Ramos
This class will give practical direction in parenting, and teach principles of care and direction from scripture to help us develop a plan to parent our kids in a way that develops them in health and increasing closeness to God. Register here.
Book Study: Life Together by Dietrich Bonhoeffer Dr. Leron Heath
This book is a unique story of a pastor and fellowship in an underground seminary in Nazi, Germany. It gives practical advice on how life together in Christ can be sustained in our lives, and with each other. This class will look at Bonhoeffer’s life and experiences as well as learning from his writings. We suggest you purchase the fifth volume of Dietrich Bonhoeffer Works: Life Together & Prayerbook of the Bible. Register here.
Tuesday, January 3, 2012
Converge Schedule & Breakouts
8:45am: check in
9:00am: breakfast & main session
10:00am: first breakout session
11:00am: second breakout session
11:45am: closing
First Breakout Session Options
New Leaders – Josh Hall
Bible and Transformation: Knowing Jesus and the Mission of God’s People – Dr. Rob Dalrymple
Lessons from Parable of Sower: Avoiding the Pitfalls to Spiritual Transformation– Chuck McCallum
Shepherding your Life Group – Adrian Tsingaris
Leading a Life Group that Serves – Mel Doppler
Second Breakout Session Options
Active Participation & Discussion – Greg Weaver
Bible and Transformation: The Temple and Transformation – Rob Dalrymple
Four Group Killers: How to Kill them Before they Kill You – Lisa Ramos
Spiritual Practices in Life Groups - Adrian Tsingaris
Activating Compassionate Care in your Life Group– Josh Jonas
Register Online Here
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Next Converge :: Saturday, January 7
Join us for the next Converge on Saturday, January 7 from 9am-12pm in the Chapel at Cornerstone for a time of being challenged, equipped, and encouraged.
All Life Group Leaders should attend. Breakfast will be provided. Childcare is available if you register in advance.
Register Online Here
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
After the Me I Want to Be
Many of our groups are deciding what they want to study next. If you and your group haven't landed on what's next, I would like to make a few suggestions for the remainder of the Fall session:
Cornerstone Weekly Study Guide for groups to dive deeper into what we are learning on the weekends. You can pick up a copy at the Life Groups or Information Counter at any weekend service or download/print a copy each week here.
Bible Study. Simple and straightforward, you and your group can choose a book of the Bible, read through a chapter or two each week and meet to discuss.
Read a Book/Watch a DVD. You might want to choose another spiritual growth related book like the Me I Want to Be which incorporates Scripture to read together for the next 6 weeks. There are a number of great DVD studies that you might like as well.
We have included some recommendations for you and your group on the right. over here-------------------------->