Converge: Life Groups Leadership Gathering
Join us for the next Converge on Saturday, January 7 from 9am-12pm in the Chapel at Cornerstone for a time of being challenged, equipped, and encouraged.
All Life Group Leaders should attend. Breakfast will be provided. Childcare is available if you register in advance.
Register Online Here
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Wednesday, October 26, 2011
After the Me I Want to Be
Over the past 6 weeks during The Me I Want to Be Church-wide Life Group Study we have had more people learning and growing together at Cornerstone than ever before!
Many of our groups are deciding what they want to study next. If you and your group haven't landed on what's next, I would like to make a few suggestions for the remainder of the Fall session:
Cornerstone Weekly Study Guide for groups to dive deeper into what we are learning on the weekends. You can pick up a copy at the Life Groups or Information Counter at any weekend service or download/print a copy each week here.
Bible Study. Simple and straightforward, you and your group can choose a book of the Bible, read through a chapter or two each week and meet to discuss.
Read a Book/Watch a DVD. You might want to choose another spiritual growth related book like the Me I Want to Be which incorporates Scripture to read together for the next 6 weeks. There are a number of great DVD studies that you might like as well.
We have included some recommendations for you and your group on the right. over here-------------------------->
Many of our groups are deciding what they want to study next. If you and your group haven't landed on what's next, I would like to make a few suggestions for the remainder of the Fall session:
Cornerstone Weekly Study Guide for groups to dive deeper into what we are learning on the weekends. You can pick up a copy at the Life Groups or Information Counter at any weekend service or download/print a copy each week here.
Bible Study. Simple and straightforward, you and your group can choose a book of the Bible, read through a chapter or two each week and meet to discuss.
Read a Book/Watch a DVD. You might want to choose another spiritual growth related book like the Me I Want to Be which incorporates Scripture to read together for the next 6 weeks. There are a number of great DVD studies that you might like as well.
We have included some recommendations for you and your group on the right. over here-------------------------->
Sunday, September 11, 2011
Need to Download or Print a copy of the Me I Want to Be Study Guide?
The black/white printer friendly "lite" version is here:
Friday, August 26, 2011
Questions on the Fall Life Group Campaign?
Here are a few answers to some of the questions you or your Life Group may be having about our Fall Church-Wide Life Group Study of The Me I Want to Be for 6 weeks September 12-October 21.
Why are we doing a Church Wide Life Groups Campaign?
We decided to do a Church-wide groups study for several reasons. First we have sensed an increasing desire for unity in our Life Group Community. In our 18 year history we have never all studied the same thing together at the same time in smaller groups. This is something Pastor Steve and our ministry leaders have been been thinking and praying about for several years so we decided to do it!
Secondly we want to help more people in our community get involved in a Life Group. In the past 2 years, our groups involvement has grown tremendously with an increased effort to bring attention to the importance of being a part of a smaller community. Our hope is that by communicating for 6 weeks that we are all studying the same thing as a church, and emphasizing that if you’re not yet in a group we encourage you to get in one and join us, we will help the not yet connected 40%-50% to join a group.
What is the "Me I Want to Be" about? Why did we choose this study?
We chose the Me I Want to Be because it is a great study on how God transforms us and how we grow in Christ. It directly relates to the core vision of our Church of making disciples and apprentices of Jesus. What your group will learn together is that God wants to redeem each of us, and that the me we actually want to be, is the me that God has intended for us all along. We will explore how God changes us by his Holy Spirit into the best "version of me" there can be: a me that looks like Jesus. You can read more about it here.
Why do a DVD based study?
As a church we are promoting the Me I Want to Be DVD and a Bible Study Guide that some of our pastors wrote to go along with it. Reading the Me I Want to Be book is not a required part of doing the study. We recommend it because it is a great book, and you will get a lot out of it, but the study itself can be done without reading the book also. If you want to read the book as a group you can use the suggested reading plan here. Also, we wanted to create a format where new people can easily join a group, even after the study has started. With this DVD study a new unconnected person can jump in at any point in the 6 weeks and not feel lost or left behind.
Is the "Me I Want to Be" going to be tied into the Cornerstone Weekend Services?
Yes. Our hope is bring some different elements that tie what we are learning from the study into our weekend services together. That might include video, interviews, application in the teaching message, etc. During the Fall Church-wide Study the Cornerstone Weekly Study Guide will be replaced by the Me I Want to Be Study Guide.
Why 6 weeks?
We chose a 6 week study because it is an easy commitment for those who aren't sure about joining a group. We also want to respect the fact that many existing groups already have a regular schedule and plan for what they do as a group and we didn't want to interfere with that for 10-12 or more weeks.
What happens after the 6 week study ends?
After the 6 weeks our hope is that your Life Group will continue meeting together and study what you would normally study as a group. Whether it is a Bible Study, following the Cornerstone Weekly Study Guide, or doing another DVD or book study. If you don't know what to study the next 6 weeks until the Fall Groups session ends in December don't worry! We will be making some next study recommendations for you and your group.
Hopefully this answers any questions you or your group might have. We hope you and your group won't miss out on the spiritual growth and the unity we will experience as we go through this study as one Body!
If you aren't in a group yet you can find one on our online group finder here.
If you have any other questions or your group hasn't yet committed to doing this study, and would like to please email Colby Phelps at
Why are we doing a Church Wide Life Groups Campaign?
We decided to do a Church-wide groups study for several reasons. First we have sensed an increasing desire for unity in our Life Group Community. In our 18 year history we have never all studied the same thing together at the same time in smaller groups. This is something Pastor Steve and our ministry leaders have been been thinking and praying about for several years so we decided to do it!
Secondly we want to help more people in our community get involved in a Life Group. In the past 2 years, our groups involvement has grown tremendously with an increased effort to bring attention to the importance of being a part of a smaller community. Our hope is that by communicating for 6 weeks that we are all studying the same thing as a church, and emphasizing that if you’re not yet in a group we encourage you to get in one and join us, we will help the not yet connected 40%-50% to join a group.
What is the "Me I Want to Be" about? Why did we choose this study?
We chose the Me I Want to Be because it is a great study on how God transforms us and how we grow in Christ. It directly relates to the core vision of our Church of making disciples and apprentices of Jesus. What your group will learn together is that God wants to redeem each of us, and that the me we actually want to be, is the me that God has intended for us all along. We will explore how God changes us by his Holy Spirit into the best "version of me" there can be: a me that looks like Jesus. You can read more about it here.
Why do a DVD based study?
As a church we are promoting the Me I Want to Be DVD and a Bible Study Guide that some of our pastors wrote to go along with it. Reading the Me I Want to Be book is not a required part of doing the study. We recommend it because it is a great book, and you will get a lot out of it, but the study itself can be done without reading the book also. If you want to read the book as a group you can use the suggested reading plan here. Also, we wanted to create a format where new people can easily join a group, even after the study has started. With this DVD study a new unconnected person can jump in at any point in the 6 weeks and not feel lost or left behind.
Is the "Me I Want to Be" going to be tied into the Cornerstone Weekend Services?
Yes. Our hope is bring some different elements that tie what we are learning from the study into our weekend services together. That might include video, interviews, application in the teaching message, etc. During the Fall Church-wide Study the Cornerstone Weekly Study Guide will be replaced by the Me I Want to Be Study Guide.
Why 6 weeks?
We chose a 6 week study because it is an easy commitment for those who aren't sure about joining a group. We also want to respect the fact that many existing groups already have a regular schedule and plan for what they do as a group and we didn't want to interfere with that for 10-12 or more weeks.
What happens after the 6 week study ends?
After the 6 weeks our hope is that your Life Group will continue meeting together and study what you would normally study as a group. Whether it is a Bible Study, following the Cornerstone Weekly Study Guide, or doing another DVD or book study. If you don't know what to study the next 6 weeks until the Fall Groups session ends in December don't worry! We will be making some next study recommendations for you and your group.
Hopefully this answers any questions you or your group might have. We hope you and your group won't miss out on the spiritual growth and the unity we will experience as we go through this study as one Body!
If you aren't in a group yet you can find one on our online group finder here.
If you have any other questions or your group hasn't yet committed to doing this study, and would like to please email Colby Phelps at
Thursday, August 25, 2011
Church-Wide Fall Life Group Campaign
The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg
Sept 12 – Oct 21 (6 weeks)
The study will include The Me I Want to Be DVD preview here along with a Study Guide written by Cornerstone Staff.
You can download or print a copy of the Me I Want to Be Bible Study Guide here.
Individuals or groups can also purchase a copy of the book The Me I Want to Be to read along with the study, this is recommended but not required to participate. If you want to read the book along with the DVD Study you can find a suggested reading plan here.
A Copy of the DVD and printed copies of the Study Guide are free for each group and can be picked up at the Life Group Counter at any weekend service between now and September 12.
Please be in prayer for our Life Group Campaign this Fall. I believe God is going to do some amazing things in transforming us together!
If you have any questions or need any help with your group or this study please contact Colby Phelps at
Sept 12 – Oct 21 (6 weeks)
The study will include The Me I Want to Be DVD preview here along with a Study Guide written by Cornerstone Staff.
You can download or print a copy of the Me I Want to Be Bible Study Guide here.
Individuals or groups can also purchase a copy of the book The Me I Want to Be to read along with the study, this is recommended but not required to participate. If you want to read the book along with the DVD Study you can find a suggested reading plan here.
A Copy of the DVD and printed copies of the Study Guide are free for each group and can be picked up at the Life Group Counter at any weekend service between now and September 12.
Please be in prayer for our Life Group Campaign this Fall. I believe God is going to do some amazing things in transforming us together!
If you have any questions or need any help with your group or this study please contact Colby Phelps at
Monday, August 22, 2011
Converge 8.21.11 - Main Session mp3
Adrian's main session talk from Converge on 8.21.11 is available for download here.
Wednesday, August 10, 2011
Service Opportunities
We are in need of volunteers for two different opportunities:
2) We need more volunteers for the Life Groups counter during the weekend services! It is so rewarding to meet people and help them get plugged into groups. If you would like to help, click here to let me know when you are available to help.
Converge: A Leadership Gathering 8.21.11
Mark your calendars for Converge: A Leadership Gathering on Sunday 8/21 from 1-3pm!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Churchwide Life Group Campaign
For the first time, every Life Group at Cornerstone will study the same thing together for 6 weeks this Fall! Our desire is to create unity in our Church community, and encourage people who are not a part of a Life Group to join a group. To do this, we want to start 100 new Life Groups!
The study will include The Me I Want to Be DVD (preview here) along with a Study Guide written by Cornerstone Staff. These materials will be provided free for each group and can be picked up at Converge. Individuals or groups can also purchase a copy of the book The Me I Want to Be to read along with the study, this is recommended but not required to participate.
The study will include The Me I Want to Be DVD (preview here) along with a Study Guide written by Cornerstone Staff. These materials will be provided free for each group and can be picked up at Converge. Individuals or groups can also purchase a copy of the book The Me I Want to Be to read along with the study, this is recommended but not required to participate.
Here are the details:
Church-wide Fall Life Group Campaign
Sept 12 – Oct 21 (6 weeks) :: The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg
There will be a preview of The Me I Want to Be DVD on Tues Aug 23 at 6:30pm in U1 for any new or existing leaders.
We will talk more about this at the next Converge: Life Group Leaders Gathering on Sunday August 21st 1-3pm in the Chapel. Don't miss out, it will be a great time of good food, connecting with other Life Group Leaders and being developed and equipped as leaders: Register Here.
Please be in prayer for our Life Group Campaign this Fall. I believe God is going to do some amazing things in transforming us together!
I hope to see you at Converge on Aug 21st and I hope you will join us for this first ever church-wide campaign, it’s going to be great!
Church-wide Fall Life Group Campaign
Sept 12 – Oct 21 (6 weeks) :: The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg
There will be a preview of The Me I Want to Be DVD on Tues Aug 23 at 6:30pm in U1 for any new or existing leaders.
We will talk more about this at the next Converge: Life Group Leaders Gathering on Sunday August 21st 1-3pm in the Chapel. Don't miss out, it will be a great time of good food, connecting with other Life Group Leaders and being developed and equipped as leaders: Register Here.
Please be in prayer for our Life Group Campaign this Fall. I believe God is going to do some amazing things in transforming us together!
I hope to see you at Converge on Aug 21st and I hope you will join us for this first ever church-wide campaign, it’s going to be great!
Thursday, July 7, 2011
Service Opportunity: Kids Against Hunger
There is a great service project coming up on July 16 and July 23 (pick one of the dates). We will be working with Kids Against Hunger in Pleasanton to pack food to send to Haiti .
Children eight and older can participate. Seven-year-olds can participate if their parents are also participating.
For more information and to sign up, visit and click on “Sign Up Now.” Be sure to click on the event dates for Cornerstone.
Please note, there is a requested $25/person donation to cover the cost of ingredients and supplies. If you have any questions, please contact Sherri Leal at 925-872-7200 or
Sunday, April 24, 2011
Life Groups Survey
If you were a member of a Life Group during this last session (Jan - April), we would like your feedback! Please take this anonymous, two minute survey:
Friday, February 18, 2011
Synergy 2011: Everything Small Group Local and Live
Synergy 2011: A Live Local Small Groups Conference
Saturday March 5, 2011 from 9am-4pm at Crossroads Grace Church in Manteca, CA.
Synergy will feature live teaching from James Bryan Smith, author of The Good and Beautiful God, The Good and Beautiful Life, and The Good and Beautiful Community.
It will also include breakouts for Small Group Leaders including: When Groups get Messy; Vision: If you build it they will come (and stay); How to Speak Truth and Still Do Life Together; The Apprentice Series Approach to Spiritual Formation; Small Group Leadership 101; When Your Group is Stuck in a Rut; Increasing Engagement and Critical Thinking In Your Group; The Externally Focused Small Group; Finding the Message of Your Life; Life-Changing Groups for Men; 5 Leadership Essentials for Women; Leading Groups for Singles and more.
For more information go here:
Saturday March 5, 2011 from 9am-4pm at Crossroads Grace Church in Manteca, CA.
Synergy will feature live teaching from James Bryan Smith, author of The Good and Beautiful God, The Good and Beautiful Life, and The Good and Beautiful Community.
It will also include breakouts for Small Group Leaders including: When Groups get Messy; Vision: If you build it they will come (and stay); How to Speak Truth and Still Do Life Together; The Apprentice Series Approach to Spiritual Formation; Small Group Leadership 101; When Your Group is Stuck in a Rut; Increasing Engagement and Critical Thinking In Your Group; The Externally Focused Small Group; Finding the Message of Your Life; Life-Changing Groups for Men; 5 Leadership Essentials for Women; Leading Groups for Singles and more.
For more information go here:
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Questions from Colossians 1:23-29
This weekend Pastor Steve asked us to discuss these questions in our Life Groups about the price we pay to follow Christ:
1) What is my ministry to others costing me?
2) Have I ever held back something from Christ, in any way, because I knew it would cost me too much?
3) What has following Jesus cost us? What would it cost us to take following Christ to the next level?
4) Could what we are saying, and doing lately as followers of Christ ever be considered a threat to a sinful system of greed, power, selfishness or moral depravity? What actions might Christ be calling us to that might stimulate opposition?
5) What is the next thing that Christ would want us to say or do that would result in us paying a greater price as we imitate Christ?
Please share your thoughts with your Life Group and post your comments here.
2) Have I ever held back something from Christ, in any way, because I knew it would cost me too much?
3) What has following Jesus cost us? What would it cost us to take following Christ to the next level?
4) Could what we are saying, and doing lately as followers of Christ ever be considered a threat to a sinful system of greed, power, selfishness or moral depravity? What actions might Christ be calling us to that might stimulate opposition?
5) What is the next thing that Christ would want us to say or do that would result in us paying a greater price as we imitate Christ?
Please share your thoughts with your Life Group and post your comments here.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Acts 2 Community
This weekend Pastor Steve challenged us to look at our own community in each of our Life Group's in the light of the community of the early church recorded in Acts 2.42-47:
3. What is one thing your Life Group can do to participate with God in Christlike community in the way the early church did? How might your group incorporate one or two of these practices or develop these qualities in a more consistent way?
They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone was filled with awe at the many wonders and signs performed by the apostles. All the believers were together and had everything in common. They sold property and possessions to give to anyone who had need. Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts. They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God and enjoying the favor of all the people. And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.
Although community in our context may look different, we can look to Scripture for examples of individuals as well as Christ's body, the Church, and ask ourselves what can we learn from them as Christ's followers today, and how can we grow as a community together?
Here are 3 questions for each of our Life Groups:
Although community in our context may look different, we can look to Scripture for examples of individuals as well as Christ's body, the Church, and ask ourselves what can we learn from them as Christ's followers today, and how can we grow as a community together?
Here are 3 questions for each of our Life Groups:
1. How is your group like this early expression of the body of Christ? How is it different? Does your group do the things this community had committed themselves to doing? Why or why not?
2. Which of these characteristics of the early church community are you most comfortable with? Which are you least comfortable with? Why?
3. What is one thing your Life Group can do to participate with God in Christlike community in the way the early church did? How might your group incorporate one or two of these practices or develop these qualities in a more consistent way?
Please share your thoughts with your Life Group and post your comments here.
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Some Pictures from Converge 1.9.11
This past Sunday 150 of our Life Group Leaders gathered for Converge. Here are a few pictures from the breakout sessions with Josh Jonas, Chuck McCallum, Clyde Wayne and Dr. Rob Dalrymple. Don't miss the next Converge on August 21, 2011.
Friday, January 7, 2011
A Simple Spiritual Inventory
Take a Spiritual Inventory. Here are a few questions to get your mind thinking about the health of your spiritual life and where you are in your journey with God:
- Am I enjoying my life with God or is it a chore and a bore?
- Is my relationship with God producing authentic change in me? Am I becoming for example: more loving, joyful, peaceful, patient, kind, good, gentle, faithful, self-controlled? Am I becoming any one of these lately or has my relationship with Christ become static and making little difference in my life lately? Would my family, friends and those around me agree with my answer?
- Is my spiritual life active and flourishing? Am I growing increasingly like Jesus? Or do I think this as good as it gets? Do I find myself wondering lately if there something more to the Christian life?
Post your comments and talk about your thoughts on this with a spiritual friend, mentor, or your Life Group.
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