Tuesday, May 28, 2013

Converge:Leadership Gathering, August 17th

CONVERGE (verb): To come together to reach the same point coming from different directions: to orient and direct toward a common interest, goal, or vision.

Join us for Converge on Saturday, August 17th from 9am-12:30pm in the Event Center. 

This Leadership Gathering is for existing life group leaders and those interested in leading a new LG. 

Includes breakfast, relevant main training session, break-out training sessions and distribution of the Fall church-wide DVD study. 

We ask that all current  Life Group Leaders attend

Register Online Here

Schedule & Topics:

8:45-9:15am Breakfast served
9:15-9:45am Welcome & Main Session
9:55-10:35am Session 1
·         New Leaders Boot Camp-Josh Hall & Glen Drummond
·         Reaching Out-Billy Reider
·         Dealing with Difficult Group Dynamics-Becky Fitch
10:45-11:25am Session 2
·         Coaching Panel-Josh Hall, Glen Drummond, Heather Muncy & Jeff Ribera
·         Replicating Leadership & Launching New Groups-Adrian Tsingaris & Tom Truman
·         Avoiding Burnout-Mark Calcagno
11:35-12:05pm Session 3 (Team Huddles)
·         Each campus will have its own Women, Men, Married/Couples, Singles, Mixed/Co-ed, JH, HS, C3 breakout to go over specific ministry training.
12:15-12:30pm Preview/Close & Church-wide DVD Distribution

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Church-Wide Life Group Launch/ 8 wk study

September 7th & 8th: During the launch weekend, Life groups and their leaders will be available, in the courtyard, to meet you, answer questions and connect you into a life group. If you are not in a life group, set this weekend aside to get connected.

September 16th thru November 8th: Life Group 8 week session: "Let Go: A Fresh Look At The Lord's Prayer"