We will be hosting a Life Group Connection Sunday January 16th st 10:30am Upstairs in Room U1 (above Parchements Cafe).
A Life Group Connection is an event for people interested in joining a Life Group to meet group leaders, hear about Life Groups and join a group!
If you are a Life Group leader and have room for 1 (or 10) people in your group please come!
If you have any questions please contact Colby at colbyp@cornerstoneweb.org
Sunday, December 26, 2010
Saturday, December 4, 2010
Converge: A Leadership Gathering
Converge (verb): to come together; to reach the same point coming from different directions; to orient and direct toward a common interest, goal, or vision.
Join us for the next Converge: Life Group Leadership Gathering on Sunday January 9th from 1-3pm in the Chapel @ Cornerstone for a time of being challenged, equipped, and encouraged.
All Life Group Leaders should attend. A light lunch will be provided. Childcare is available if you register in advance.
RSVP ONLINE @ http://bit.ly/ConvergeRSVP
Questions? Please contact Colby at 925.447.3465 x5476 or email colbyp@cornerstoneweb.org
Join us for the next Converge: Life Group Leadership Gathering on Sunday January 9th from 1-3pm in the Chapel @ Cornerstone for a time of being challenged, equipped, and encouraged.
All Life Group Leaders should attend. A light lunch will be provided. Childcare is available if you register in advance.
RSVP ONLINE @ http://bit.ly/ConvergeRSVP
Questions? Please contact Colby at 925.447.3465 x5476 or email colbyp@cornerstoneweb.org
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Life Group Service Opportunities
Serve the City Center 2nd Saturday Food Distribution
Bring your Life Group out on the 2nd Saturday of each month to pack and deliver food boxes to families in need in the community.
Where: Vineyard Fellowship 460 N. Livermore Ave. Livermore
Time: 9am-12 Noon
The next opportunities are: November 13th and December 11, 2010.
For more information or to sign up you and your Life Group contact Nancy deMatallana, Cornerstone Missions Local Outreach Coordinator at nancym@cornerstoneweb.org
Kids Against Hunger
Kids Against Hunger in Pleasanton packages and ships highly nutritious, life-saving meals to starving and malnourished children in developing countries and in disaster situations like Haiti, as well as feeding hungry children in the United States.
Click here to join a packing event in Pleasanton with up to 10 people!
For more information, call their office at 925.400.7201
Monday, October 11, 2010
Life Group Coaches
Early in 2011 we will be introducing Life Group Coaches. As a Life Group Leader, it is important that you have someone pouring into your life. A Coach is a spiritual mentor that will meet with you to help you to lead your group well and provide spiritual direction for your life as a disciple of Jesus. They will encourage you, help you grow, and help you to foster spiritual transformation in you and in your group. For your Life Group, they will be available to help you identify and raise up co-leaders, grow your group, and resolve group issues that come up. You can meet with a Coach individually and with other Life Group Leaders.
If you would like a Coach to invest in your life, please email Josh at joshh@cornerstoneweb.org
If you would like a Coach to invest in your life, please email Josh at joshh@cornerstoneweb.org
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Life Group-in-a-Box
This is an exciting new tool for you that includes everything you need to lead a Life Group. This Fall we will provide a Life Group-in-a-Box for the book The Me I Want to Be by John Ortberg.
The box will include:
The box will include:
- a coupon for 20% off the book at Parchments
- a study guide
- a reading schedule
- party ideas
- service opportunities
- everything you need
Tuesday, August 31, 2010
Fall Life Groups are starting soon!
Fall Life Groups will be meeting September 20-December 17.
To find a group please visit www.cornerstoneweb.org/lifegroups
Questions? Contact Life Groups Admin Assistant Colby Phelps
at 925.447.3465 5476 or email colbyp@cornerstoneweb.org
To find a group please visit www.cornerstoneweb.org/lifegroups
Questions? Contact Life Groups Admin Assistant Colby Phelps
at 925.447.3465 5476 or email colbyp@cornerstoneweb.org
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Life Group Leaders Gathering 8.28.10
Saturday August 28, 2010
9:00a-12:00p in the Chapel
Cornerstone Fellowship, Livermore
In addition to an amazing breakfast we will have Chris Stockhaus Missions Director at Cornerstone share with us about "5 ways to be a Missional Group."
We will also have smaller group breakouts led by awesome Life Group leaders including:
9:00a-12:00p in the Chapel
Cornerstone Fellowship, Livermore
In addition to an amazing breakfast we will have Chris Stockhaus Missions Director at Cornerstone share with us about "5 ways to be a Missional Group."
We will also have smaller group breakouts led by awesome Life Group leaders including:
- Increasing Participation, Engagement and Critical Thinking in your group with Greg Weaver.
- Knowing God vs. Knowing about God with Clyde Wayne.
- Creating an Environment of Christ-like Hospitality in your group with Susan Zarrinfar.
- How to study and teach the Bible to your group with Dr. Rob Dalrymple.
- New Life Group Leaders Breakout with Josh Hall
If you lead a Life Group or are thinking about leading a group this Fall don't miss this!
Register here no later than Thursday August 26th.
Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Spiritual Practices for Transformation Class
We all need greater intimacy and connection with God. This class will give us experience in the habits and practices that can help us grow closer to God, and stay in His presence more regularly.
Thursday Nights 7-9pm
7/22/10 - 8/26/10 (6 weeks)
Cornerstone Fellowship Livermore
Room C217
Room C217
To Register Click Here
Friday, July 16, 2010
Global Leadership Summit and "Pick One Groups"
Every August Cornerstone hosts the Global Leadership Summit for all of our leaders and volunteers to come and learn from some of the best leaders in the world. This year in an effort to be more intentional with what we learn at the Summit we are introducing "Pick One" Groups which are short term leadership-focused small groups.
1. Register for the Global LeadershipSummit The Cornerstone Price is $99 but goes up to $129 after July 23rd. (price includes lunch both days). To Register: Click here
If you are interested in leading a "Pick One" Summit Group in your home, office, coffee shop or restaurant email Josh Hall at joshh@cornerstoneweb.org
1. Register for the Global Leadership
2. Lead a "Pick One" Group This year Cornerstone wants to be more intentional about the transformation of our leaders that will come through the Leadership Summit. One way we want to do this is through our Post-Summit "Pick One" Groups.These will be short term small groups of 4-6 people (men, women, or co-ed) meeting for 4-6 weeks (between August 9-September 17) who will commit to reading, thinking through, and coming together to discuss one of the following books which will be presented at the Summit:
How the Mighty Fall Jim Collins
Drive Daniel Pink
The Land Between Jeff Manion
The Mentor Leader Tony Dungy
Winning Jack Welch
The Power of a Whisper Bill Hybels
The Principle of the Path Andy Stanley
The Christian Atheist Craig Groeschel
The goal of these "Pick One" Groups are for leaders to pick one book presented at the Summit, read it with a group of people and allow that idea to transform them personally as a leader, and Cornerstone as a church. You can "Pick One" book based on the topics above or preview and choose from your favoriteSummit speaker here.
How the Mighty Fall Jim Collins
Drive Daniel Pink
The Land Between Jeff Manion
The Mentor Leader Tony Dungy
Winning Jack Welch
The Power of a Whisper Bill Hybels
The Principle of the Path Andy Stanley
The Christian Atheist Craig Groeschel
The goal of these "Pick One" Groups are for leaders to pick one book presented at the Summit, read it with a group of people and allow that idea to transform them personally as a leader, and Cornerstone as a church. You can "Pick One" book based on the topics above or preview and choose from your favorite
If you are interested in leading a "Pick One" Summit Group in your home, office, coffee shop or restaurant email Josh Hall at joshh@cornerstoneweb.org
Sunday, June 20, 2010
Prayer for Life Groups on June 29th
Did you know that Cornerstone has a prayer ministry headed up by Chuck McCallum? One of the things this ministry does is invites leaders from each ministry to pray for them, and for their ministry. On Tuesday June 29th from 7-830pm Upstairs in Room A2 at Cornerstone Livermore Campus they will be praying for you as a Life Group Leader and for all of our Life Groups at Cornerstone.
If you would like to join us for prayer for yourself, and your group please come. It is going to be a powerful time of seeking God for our Life Group Community.
If you would like to join us for prayer for yourself, and your group please come. It is going to be a powerful time of seeking God for our Life Group Community.
Food Packing for Haiti
Every trimester our Life Groups serve together. If your Life Group is looking for a great service opportunity this Summer you might want to consider spending an hour together packing food for children in Haiti. Cornerstone Missions is partnering with one of our own Sherri Leal who works with "Kids Against Hunger." You and your group can arrange a time to go the food packing facility here in Pleasanton, CA. We did this as a staff a few weeks ago and it was amazing. It involves packaging individual nutricious meals in bags, afterwards you can sign the bags with encouraging messages for the kids who will be receiving them.
The cost to participate in this is about $20 per person to cover the cost of donated food. You can find more information on Kids Against Hunger here. Email Susan Zarrinfar at susanz@cornerstoneweb.org if you are interested in packing food with your Life Group.
The cost to participate in this is about $20 per person to cover the cost of donated food. You can find more information on Kids Against Hunger here. Email Susan Zarrinfar at susanz@cornerstoneweb.org if you are interested in packing food with your Life Group.
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
3 Keys to a Successful First Meeting
Next week our Summer Life Groups are kicking off again!
Here’s three keys to a successful first meeting:
1. It’s all about the people: Make your first meeting about the people who are there, and not so much the topic you’ll be covering. Help them relax by getting to know one another. Do you have something fun planned? Something delicious? Something meaningful? Check out a sample itinerary for the first meeting here: Sample First Meeting Schedule
2. Reveal the plan: Have a schedule to give everyone of the readings/homework for the trimester. People will appreciate it and you will, too. Check out a sample one here: Sample Reading Plans
3. Think about it through a new person’s eyes: Whether your group is brand new, or you are a repeat leader with a lot of returnees and some new people, it’s your job to lead the group in welcoming new people, and making them feel really included. Think about what they might feel entering a group of people, especially if you've been together before. In this case you might email the returning people in your group this week and let them know that new people will be joining the group and to be as welcoming as possible. Here’s an example of what you might send…
Hey Everyone – I’m excited about our Life Group starting up again next week, and I’m really glad you are returning. Great news – we have a couple of people who are new to the group. Let’s do all we can to make them feel welcome. That means in discussion time, listen well to them. And during our informal times, be the first to ask them questions and get to know them. It’s important they feel included. We all know each other well…so let’s try to get to know them really well and make them feel included!
Just a few thoughts that I hope will be helpful to you.
We are praying for you and your group.
Tuesday, April 13, 2010
Next Life Group Leaders Gathering 5.8.10
8:00am-11:00am in the Event Center Cornerstone, Livermore
This will be an opportunity for the Leaders and Co-Leaders of Cornerstone Life Groups from both Livermore and Brentwood Campuses to gather together to be developed and poured into as leaders. This event includes breakfast, large group teaching and smaller breakout sessions where you can choose from a variety of topics related to group leadership, led by seasoned group leaders at Cornerstone.
More details and registration information to come.
This will be an opportunity for the Leaders and Co-Leaders of Cornerstone Life Groups from both Livermore and Brentwood Campuses to gather together to be developed and poured into as leaders. This event includes breakfast, large group teaching and smaller breakout sessions where you can choose from a variety of topics related to group leadership, led by seasoned group leaders at Cornerstone.
More details and registration information to come.
Sunday, March 21, 2010
The Summit: A Convergence of Small Group Leaders
Post your thoughts, and insights below.
Monday, February 8, 2010
Synergy 2010: Everything Small Group Local and Live
Synergy 2010: A Live Local Small Groups Conference is coming March 6, 2010 from 9am-4pm at Crossroads Grace Church in Manteca, CA. Synergy will feature Bill Donahue, Director of Group Life at Willow Creek. It will also include breakouts for Small Group Leaders including:
The Four Ingredients of a Healthy Small Group; Small Group Leadership 101; How To Help When Crisis Strikes; The Top Two Community Killers (And How To Overcome Them); The Externally Focused Small Group; Groups That Change Men’s Lives; Leading Groups For Students (Jr. High – College); Leading Groups For Kids (Elementary); When Your Group Is Stuck In A Rut; Developing And Empowering The Next Generation to Lead; The Art Of Listening As A Spiritual Experience; Leading Small Group Leaders and more.
For more information go here: www.synergylive.orgThursday, January 28, 2010
The Bicker Experience Recipe
Since many of you have asked here is "The Bicker Experience Recipe" for Escalope of Chicken
Ingredients (Serves 4)
For the Chicken:
4 chicken breasts, boned, skinned
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 eggs
1 tablespoon milk
Plain flour
Dry breadcrumbs
Olive oil
1 fresh ball of mozzarella
Grated Parmesan
For the tomato sauce:
Olive oil
2 shallots or small onions
1 clove garlic, finely sliced
1 Package cherry tomatoes
½ teaspoon dried basil
1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
2. Season the chicken breast fillets on both side with a little salt and pepper. Lightly beat the eggs together with the milk. Dust each chicken breast in flour, then dip in the beaten eggs and finally coat in the breadcrumbs.
3. In a hot pan, add olive oil and then sauté the chicken breasts in a little hot olive oil on medium to medium-high heat until golden brown - approximately 2-3 minutes on each side.
Drain the cooked chicken on kitchen paper, then remove to a baking dish.
4.. To make the tomato sauce heat some oil in a heavy based pan. Add the chopped shallots and garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes until softened. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them along with basil. Allow the tomatoes to soften. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
5. Top each chicken breast with a thick slice of mozzarella, Spoon a little tomato sauce over each breast, sprinkle with the grated parmesan, and drizzle a light amount of olive oil on top for flavor.
Bake in the oven for approximately 8-10 minutes, until the chicken is cooked and the mozzarella cheese is melted and golden.
Enjoy. Or better yet: make it and serve it to someone else as an act of love. We want everyone at Cornerstone to have "The Bicker Experience."
Ingredients (Serves 4)
For the Chicken:
4 chicken breasts, boned, skinned
Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
2 eggs
1 tablespoon milk
Plain flour
Dry breadcrumbs
Olive oil
1 fresh ball of mozzarella
Grated Parmesan
For the tomato sauce:
Olive oil
2 shallots or small onions
1 clove garlic, finely sliced
1 Package cherry tomatoes
½ teaspoon dried basil
1. Preheat the oven to 375°F.
2. Season the chicken breast fillets on both side with a little salt and pepper. Lightly beat the eggs together with the milk. Dust each chicken breast in flour, then dip in the beaten eggs and finally coat in the breadcrumbs.
3. In a hot pan, add olive oil and then sauté the chicken breasts in a little hot olive oil on medium to medium-high heat until golden brown - approximately 2-3 minutes on each side.
Drain the cooked chicken on kitchen paper, then remove to a baking dish.
4.. To make the tomato sauce heat some oil in a heavy based pan. Add the chopped shallots and garlic and cook for 2-3 minutes until softened. Cut the cherry tomatoes in half and add them along with basil. Allow the tomatoes to soften. Season to taste with salt and pepper.
5. Top each chicken breast with a thick slice of mozzarella, Spoon a little tomato sauce over each breast, sprinkle with the grated parmesan, and drizzle a light amount of olive oil on top for flavor.
Bake in the oven for approximately 8-10 minutes, until the chicken is cooked and the mozzarella cheese is melted and golden.
Enjoy. Or better yet: make it and serve it to someone else as an act of love. We want everyone at Cornerstone to have "The Bicker Experience."
Saturday, January 23, 2010
Andy Stanley "Why I am a Lifer in Groups."
At the Group Life Conference '09 Andy Stanley shared five reasons that he will be in a small group for life. Here they are:
1. Group is the easiest place to invite people to, especially if they are not ready for the whole Sunday morning experience.
2. Group is often one of the only contexts for pastors, church staff, and even many couples to engage in ministry with their spouse.
3. Group is the only environment where you get to engage others on their spiritual journey, right where they are. You are often forced to connect with people that you would not normally connect with. We are exposed to the grace of God in a new way when this happens.
4. If you are committed to groups your kids will see and likely imitate your commitment to Christ and to community in the church.
5. Life happens in circles that can't happen in rows. Life change occurs in the context of structured relationships particularly in groups that doesn't happen at church.
His last line of the talk, “Thank you for leading a group, it's difficult, but it's worth it.”
(thanks to my friend Frank Chiapperino for taking great notes)
Monday, January 4, 2010
YouVersion Bible Reading Plans
Here is a cool way to read through the Bible using your iphone, blackberry or computer:
Want to make the Bible a part of your daily life? Reading plans can help you out. You pick the plan (YouVersion has 20+ to choose from) and each day a special selection will be ready and waiting for you.
Want to make the Bible a part of your daily life? Reading plans can help you out. You pick the plan (YouVersion has 20+ to choose from) and each day a special selection will be ready and waiting for you.
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