Monday, October 11, 2010

Life Group Coaches

Early in 2011 we will be introducing Life Group Coaches. As a Life Group Leader, it is important that you have someone pouring into your life. A Coach is a spiritual mentor that will meet with you to help you to lead your group well and provide spiritual direction for your life as a disciple of Jesus. They will encourage you, help you grow, and help you to foster spiritual transformation in you and in your group. For your Life Group, they will be available to help you identify and raise up co-leaders, grow your group, and resolve group issues that come up. You can meet with a Coach individually and with other Life Group Leaders.

If you would like a Coach to invest in your life, please email Josh at

1 comment:

  1. Sue and I are so blesses in hosting the Dave Ramsey's financial peace in our home! It took a combination of personal selling and the Cornerstone webstie to fill our class, and Shelly was an amazing support. God bless you all for helping us
